QSI is pleased to announce that it is now a signatory to the Conflict Avoidance Pledge (CAP)

Becoming a Pledge signatory signals to clients and suppliers that:

  • You are a good business to work with
  • Maintaining good business relationships, and dealing with problems early and amicably, are keystones of your day-to-day commercial operations.
  • Your business is fully committed to delivering value for money and working collaboratively to ensure projects are delivered on time, on budget and on par.

Conflict Avoidance Pledge (rics.org)

Providing Commercial And Contractual Expertise 
In The Construction Industry Since 2007

1st. Floor, 9 George Square
Glasgow G2 1QQ, UK
Tel. +44 141 378 4010

Office 1005, 10th Floor
Al Odaid Office Tower,
Airport Road
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel. +971 2414 6623